The following is a list of academic publications that I've worked on. I am first/sole author except where indicated. Where possible I've included links to the documents themselves. Please let me know about any broken links - thanks.
Please note that this is a list of my text-based (including software) outputs only. Details of pactice-based outputs (recordings) can be found here.
For a comprehensive list of my research activity please visit my University of York research profile .
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, March 2024 Comparison of modelled pursuits with ESPRIT and the matrix pencil method in the modelling of medical percussion signals, (with Ken Brown).
The Crossings: Defining Slave to the Rhythm, Cambridge University Press Element, November 2023.
Journal of The Audio Engineering Society, July/August 2021 'Modal decompositions of impulse responses for parametric interaction'.
Link to preprint version. -
'Historically Authentic Truths (the HAT trick): facts, fancies, and footnotes' (with William Brooks and Stefan Östersjö), chapter in Music and Heritage: New Perspectives on Place-making and Sonic Identity, ed. Liam Maloney and John Schofield, Routledge, March 2021.
'Paragon', reverberation software by Nugen Audio (I am credited with 'IR modelling technology origination'), October 2020.
'Engineering and Recording', chapter in Audio Education: Theory, Culture, and Practice, ed. Mariana Lopez and Daniel Walzer, Routledge, July 2020.
'Footnotes' (with William Brooks and Stefan Östersjö), chapter in Voices, Bodies, Practices: Performing Musical Subjectivities by Catherine Laws et al., Leuven University Press, November 2019.
Audio Engineering Society Convention, March 2019 Investigating the Behavior of a Recursive Mutual Compression System in a Two-Track Environment (with Hairul Hasnan (first author)).
Equine Veterinary Journal, March 2019 Overground endoscopic findings and respiratory sound analysis in horses with recurrent laryngeal neuropathy after unilateral laser ventriculocordectomy (with Safia Barakzai (first author), Tim Parkin and Phil Cramp).
Back to the Future: Popular Music and Time 18th Biennial IASPM Conference presentation, June 2015 (with Jonathan Eato (first author)).
Journal on the Art of Record Production, April 2015: Interview with Tony Swain.
DAFx 14 Conference paper: Semi-Blind Audio Source Separation of Linearly Mixed Two-Channel Recordings via Guided Matching Pursuit (with Dimitrios Zantalis (first author)).
Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, October 2013, pages 115-125: Exploring Expressivity and Emotion with Artificial Voice and Speech Technologies (with Sandra Pauletto, Bruce Balentine, Christopher Pidcock, Kevin Jones, Leonardo Bottaci, Maria Aretoulaki, Darren Mundy and James Balentine).
DAFx 13 Conference paper: A Scalable Architecture for General Real-Time Array-Based DSP on FPGAs with Application to the Wave Equation (with Ross Kirk (first author)).
Journal on the Art of Record Production, November 2012: Interview with Dave Fisher.
DAFx 12 Proceedings (I was Papers Chair for the conference and edited the Proceedings).
DAFx 11 Conference Paper: A Comparison of Analysis and Resynthesis Methods for Directional Segmentation of Stereo Audio.
130th AES Convention, 2010: Directional Segmentation of Stereo Audio via Best Basis Search of Complex Wavelet Packets.
DAFx 10 Conference Paper: Methods for Separation of Amplitude and Frequency Modulation in Fourier Transformed Signals.
128th AES Convention, 2010: Modification of Spatial Information in Coincident Pair Recordings.
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, March 2010, pages 498-508: A Comparative Evaluation of Techniques for Single-Frame Discrimination of Nonstationary Sinusoids (with Damian Murphy)
DAFx 09 Conference Paper: Principal Component Analysis of Rasterised Audio for Cross-Synthesis (with Gregory Aldam).
DAFx 09 Conference Paper: Two Dimensional Fourier Processing of Rasterised Audio (with Chris Pike (first author)).
126th AES Convention, 2009: Temporal Matching of 2D and 3D Wave-Based Acoustic Modeling for Efficient and Realistic Simulation of Rooms (with Damian Murphy and Mark Beeson). Note: the variable S in equations (7) and (8) refers to area, but in (7) it refers to the area of surfaces in a 3D room, in (8) it refers to the area of the 2D plane.
WASPAA 07 Conference Paper: Single-frame discrimination of non-stationary sinusoids (with Damian Murphy). Here is a pdf of the poster (this file is large, about 0.5 MB)
DAFx 07 Conference Paper: Short-time wavelet analysis of analytic residuals for real-time spectral modelling (with Damian Murphy).
31st International AES Conference, “New Directions in High Resolution Audio”, 2007: The phase-amplitude controlled bit stream adder: a one bit processing structure for spectral synthesis and manipulation (with Enrique Perez Gonzalez (first author) and Joshua Reiss)
DAFx 06 Conference Paper: High accuracy frame-by-frame non-stationary sinusoidal modelling (with Damian Murphy).
PhD Thesis (January 2006): Real-time spectral modelling of audio for creative sound transformation
DAFx 03 Conference Paper: Real-time spectral expansion for creative and remedial sound transformation (with Damian Murphy).
DAFx 02 Conference Paper: Real-time partial tracking in an augmented additive synthesis system (with Damian Murphy).
Tutorial article (presented at Time-Frequency Analysis for Audio workshop, University of York, UK. 2004): Reading the sines (This is a newly updated version of this document - I've tidied up some of the explanations and corrected one of the equations)